2012 Conference

The Third Annual 2012 Young Scholars in Social Movements Conference schedule is below.

Session 1: Movement and State Dynamics

Discussant: David Meyer. University of California at Irvine

Gianluca De Fazio. Emory University. “The Radicalization of Contention in Northern Ireland, 1968-1972: A Relational Perspective”
Jean Yen-chun Lin. University of Chicago. “Grassroots Protest Leadership in China: State-Leader Relationships and Movement Outcomes in Community Environmental Protests”
Yan Long. University of Michigan. "Double Impact of Transnational AIDS Regimes on State Repression in China, 1989-2009"
Christopher Sullivan. University of Notre Dame. “Organizing Oppression: Political Order, Repression and the Media"

Session 2: The Cultural Turn?

Discussant: Myra Marx Ferree, University of Wisconsin

Kai Heidemann. Christopher Newport University. "From 'Seeing' To ' Seizing' Opportunity: The development and deployment of strategic stance in the Basque movement for linguistic rights"
Zakiya T. Luna. University of Wisconsin. “Framing, Identity, and Power: When Movements Make Unexpected Choices”
Kathleen C. Oberlin. Indiana University. “Cultural Change and Movement Factionalization: Why Did Creationists Erect a Museum? The Rise of the Creation Science Movement, 1961 - 2007.”
James E. Stobaugh. University of California at Irvine. “Frames beyond the Courtroom: The Extra-Legal Consequences of SMO’s framing of Creationism and Intelligent Design.”

Session 3: Structure and Agency

Discussant: Hank Johnston, San Diego State University

Cole Carneseca. University of Notre Dame. "'Out for a Stroll’ to ‘Test the Waters’: Tactical Innovation and Perceptions of Political Opportunities in Four Chinese NIMBY Movements”
Paul Dean. University of Maryland. “A Fine Line between Contention and Cooperation: Social Movement Fields and the Construction of Private Social Responsibility Standards”
Benjamin E. Lind. National Research University-Higher School of Economics (Russia). “Homogeneity or Heterogeneity in Protest Dynamics? Actor Differentiation among United States Strike Waves in the Late Nineteenth Century”
Federico M. Rossi. European University Institute (Italy). “A Conceptual Proposal for the Study of Social Movements’ Strategic Action”


Session 4: Rights and Identity

Discussant: David Snow, University of California at Irvine

Ruth Braunstein. New York University. “Who are ‘We the People’?: Multidimensional Collective Identity in the Tea Party”
Hana E. Brown. Wake Forest University. “Race, Legality, and the Social Policy Consequences of Anti-Immigration Mobilization”
Stephen Meyers. University of California at San Diego. “Changing Organizations: Localizing International Disability Rights in Nicaragua”
Jane M. Walsh. University of Pittsburgh. “A Coalition of Coalitions: The Geographical Centralization of the Decentralized Campaign for Fair Food”