2010 Conference

The First Young Scholars in Social Movements Conference schedule is below.

Session 1: Organizational Dynamics and Tactics

Jennifer Hadden. Cornell University. “Explaining ‘Insider’ and ‘Outsider’ Strategies for Collective Action on Climate Change.”
Jeff Larson. Towson University. “Children of NOW:  Pathways and Consequences for Breakaway Organizations.” 
Kelsy Kretchmer.  University of California at Irvine. "Why Change?  Organizational Adaptation and Stability in a Social Movement Field.”
Hilary Schaffer Boudet. Stanford University. “From Not-In-My-Backyard (NIMBY) to Not-In-Anyone’s-Backyard (NIABY): Regional Movements against Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals in the United States.”
Christopher Sullivan. University of Notre Dame. “Those they Identified as the Enemy:  State Surveillance and Civilian Targeting in Guatemala.” 


Session 2:  Mobilization across the Globe

Scott Byrd. University of California at Irvine. “Transnational Resourcing and Framing Cascades:  Episodes of Global Climate Justice Activism.” 
Mustafa Gurbuz. University of Connecticut. “Claiming Authentic Islam: Identity Contests and Social Movement Rivalry.”
Lyndi Hewitt. Hofstra University. “Empowering Women or Toppling Global Capital?  Organizational Influences on the Discursive Choices of Transnational Feminist Networks.” 
Ana Velitchkova. University of Notre Dame. “Cosmopolitan Priming for Change:  The Esperanto Movement in Communist Eastern Europe.”


Session 3:  Legitimacy and Identity

Elizabeth Chiarello. University of California at Irvine. “Challenging Professional Self-Regulation: Social Movement Influence on Pharmacy Rulemaking in Washington State.”
Kimberly Ebert. University of California at Davis. “Hailing the ‘Post-Racial’ Era:  Racial-Political Organizational Formation, 1970-2000.”
Lisa Lietz. Hendrix College. “Oppositional Identities:  The Military Peace Movement’s Challenge to Pro-Iraq War Frames of Patriotism and ‘Support the Troops.’”
Elizabeth Martinez. University of Notre Dame. “Shaping the Perceptions of Threat Posed by Future Street Protests:  Paths of Legitimacy before the 2004 Republican National Convention.”


Session 4:  Mobilizing the Oppressed

Maria Alvarez-Rivadulla. Universidad del Rosario. “Contentious Urbanization from Below:  Land Squatting in Motevideo, Uruguay.”
Steven Boutcher.  University of California at Irvine and Georgetown University Law Center. “The Institutionalization of Pro Bono:  An Analysis of the Causes and Consequences of Large Firm Pro Bono Programs, 1993-2005.” 
Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick. University of Notre Dame. “Modern Slavery, Cognitive Liberation, and the Emergence of New Political Actors.”
Chaitanya Lakkimisetti. University of Wisconsin. “’HIV is Our Friend’: Prostitution and Power in Postcolonial India.”