2014 Conference

The Fifth Annual Young Scholars in Social Movements Conference schedule is below

Session 1

Discussant: Pamela Oliver, University of Wisconsin. Presider: Stefanie Wellons, University of Notre Dame.

Thomas Elliot.  University of California, Irvine.  “The Cultural Consequences of Social Movements: The LGBT Movement and the Transformation of the Discussion of Homosexuality in Mainstream Newspapers.”

Daniel Escher.  University of Notre Dame.  “Cultural Matching, Collective Action, and Mountaintop Mining.”

Heather McKee Hurwitz.  University of California, Santa Barbara.  “Gender Conflict and Feminist Mobilization in the Occupy Wall Street Movement.”

Jen Schradie.  University of California, Berkeley.  “Patriots, Radicals, Unionists and Reformers: How Political Ideology Shapes Organizational Internet Use.”


Session 2

Discussant: Stefaan Walgrave, University of Antwerp. Presider: Bryant Crubaugh, University of Notre Dame

Katherine Everhart.  Vanderbilt University.  “From Camp Vietnam to Camp Disney: Differentiated Camp Identities in the University of Puerto Rico Creative Occupation.”

Alex Hanna.  University of Wisconsin, Madison.  “Developing a System for the Automated Coding of Protest Event Data.”

Anouk van Leeuwen.  VU University Amsterdam.  “’The Demonstration is a Party!  Can’t Wait for..’: How Perceived Protest Atmosphere Influences Future Collective Action.”

Sharon Madriaga Quinsaat.  University of Pittsburgh.  “Migration Bridges and Movement Incubators: The Role of Dutch Solidarity Groups in Diaspora Mobilization for Philippine Democracy.” 


Session 3

Discussant: Sid Tarrow, Cornell University. Presider: Kevin Estep, University of Notre Dame.

Erin M. Evans.  University of California, Irvine.  “Freedom is Incremental?  The Problems and Promises of Policy Reform Goals for Social Movements.”

Ali Honari.  VU University Amsterdam.  “Iran’s Green Movement between Two Elections (2009-2013): The Dynamics of Off- and Online Movement Participation under Severe Repression.”

Ana Velitchkova.  University of Notre Dame.  “The Making of Internationalist Publics and Civility behind the Iron Curtain.”

Fei Yan.  University of Oxford.  “Political Contingency and Situational Alliance: The Case of the Chinese Red Guard Movement, 1966-1968.”


Session 4

Discussant: Sarah Soule, Stanford University. Presider: Brandon Sepulvado, University of Notre Dame.

Tarun D. Banerjee.  Stony Brook University.  “Business Unity and Anti-Corporate Protests: The U.S. fortune 500 in 2010.”  

Matthew C. Friesen.  University of Oregon.  “Parsing the Palate: A Mixed Methods Analysis of the U.S. Food Advocacy Movement.”

Jaime Kucinskas.  Indiana University.  “Assimilation into Institutional Legitimacy to Construct New Fields: The Buddhist Contemplative Movement in the U.S.” 

Amber Tierney.  University of California, Irvine.  “Divided We Stand: Collective identity and the Politics of Context.”