2013 Conference

The Fourth Annual Young Scholars in Social Movements Conference schedule is below

Session 1

Discussant: Rob Benford, University of South Florida

Amanda Maull. Penn State University. “Regulating the ‘Shale Gas Revolution’: A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Policy Fields.”

Peter B. Owens. University of California at Irvine. “Competitive Contexts, Racial Threat, and Organizing Capacity: Motivational and Pragmatic Contingencies of Civil Rights-Era KKK Mobilization.”

Amanda Pullum. University of California at Irvine. “When Did We Become the Enemy? Defending Teachers’ Collective Bargaining Rights through Strategic Coalitions.”


Session 2

Discussant: Sarah Soule, Stanford University

Daniel S. Blocq. University of Wisconsin. "Formation of Armed Self-Defense Groups during Civil Wars.”

Dana M. Moss. University of California at Irvine. “Repression and Response in an Authoritarian State: The Jordanian Regime’s Tactical Interactions with Reform-Oriented Challengers.”

Atef Shahat Said. University of Michigan. “The Power of Tahrir Square: a Spatio-Cognitive Analysis of Tahrir Protests in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011."


Session 3

Discussant: Catherine Corrigall-Brown, University of Western Ontario

Katherine McFarland Bruce. Wake Forest University.  “LGBT Pride Parades as Cultural Protest.”

Alison Dahl Crossley. University of California at Santa Barbara. “Facebook Feminism: U.S. College Students and Social Movement Abeyance.”

Todd Nicholas Fuist. Loyola University. “’The World is not Yet Complete…’: Moral Imaginaries and Everyday Politics in Progressive Communities.”

Laura Nelson. University of California at Berkeley. “Community Service or Political Therapy: Elemental Conceptions of Political Action in the Women's Movements in Chicago and New York City, 1900-1975.”


Session 4

Discussant: John McCarthy, Pennsylvania State University

Phillip Ayoub.  Cornell University. “Political Opportunities for LGBT Mobilization: Actors, Opportunities and Mechanisms Driving Transnational Activism in Europe.”

Barry Eidlin. University of Wisconsin. “Just Another ‘Special Interest’: Collective identities and Union Strength in the U.S. and Canada.”

Chan S. Suh. Cornell University. “The Heterogeneous Mobilization of the Guantánamo Lawyers: How Do Birds of a Different Feather Flock Together?”